Iron Sky!

It’s showing at The Electric!!! :smiley:
Ticket: Booked.
It’s also showing at the Showcase in Coventry and in Birmingham. Full list for England:

Electric Birmingham
Prince Charles Cinema
Stratford East Picturehouse
Ritzy Brixton
Curzon Wimbledon
Hackney Picturehouse
Showcase Bluewater
Brighton, Duke of Yorks
Tyneside Newcastle
Exeter Picturehouse
Fact Liverpool
Showcase Newham
Showcase Dudley
Showcase Reading
Showcase Coventry
Showcase Birmingham
Showcase Nottingham
Showcase Peterborough
Hyde Park Picturehouse, Leeds
Showcase Leeds
Showcase Walsall
Showcase Cardiff
Showcase Manchester
Manchester Cornerhouse
Showcase Stockton
Showcase Bristol De Lux
Bristol Watershed
Showcase Derby De Lux
Showcase Leicester De Lux
Showcase Liverpool
Showcase Paisley
Sheffield Showroom

There’s no time to waste; I’ve booked my ticket as well.

As has, I believe, Andy.
Enrik will also be joining us (on his Birthday)!

Social also on the Filmsoc website.

I’ve booked my ticket.

About 1/2 the tickets have already gone!

They could well sell out more than a week in advance!

Well they could always schedule another screening the next day… oh wait…

29/79 tickets remaining. If you want to come along - buy a ticket very soon (next 12 hours)!

Only 19 standard seats remaining. The theatre may be small, but there should be a great atmosphere.

7 seats left in total…

Good call Fergus!

It has now sold out!

A little under a hundred people in quite a small theatre: should be a fantastic screening!

I’ll enjoy the filmsoc screening a week or two later :slight_smile:
(Note: My DVD is already on pre-order from Amazon!)

I’m looking into getting a bluray so we can show it in nice high res at filmsoc! :slight_smile:

My DVD is due between 31st May and 2nd June :slight_smile:

Have fun peeps!

Oh, it was great fun.

Lived up to ALL expectation. Hilarious in parts. Great film!

Fingers crossed we can show it in week 9!!!

I’ve been trying to be in the appropriate mood by watching Space Nazis of my own!

Yet another news article!

I don’t understand why lots of critics don’t like it though; it does exactly what it says on the tin!

Drum-roll please…

Iron Sky prequel and sequel! (Also time-travelling assassins kill Hitler.)