Marvin the Martian AND Harry Potter 6 trailer

Seriously this could be the best film every made: (it’s just a news article)

And here is Voldemort as a wee fellow…

Gaaah the Harry Potter trailer is scary!! I thought the fifth film was dark, but this is taking it even further…cant wait!
And that in that first shot of You-Know-Who as a kid, he looks evil as hell!

FACT: Little Voldemort is the nephew of Ralph Fiennes, the actual Voldemort. Nepotistic, no?

The special effects look awesome:

Although I think Bob Hoskins would have made a better Horace Slughorn.

It looks like it might be quite good which will mean it’ll be continuing the atypical trend of the franchise with each film being better than the last. :?

Here is another trailer for Harry Potter. I actually looks like it might be quite good, apart from the burning down of the Burrow bit!!