The old forums have been imported. I could use some help cleaning up the mess!
At the moment Discourse is doing lots of work processing the old posts, so sorry if stuff is a tad slow for a few hours.
The old forums have been imported. I could use some help cleaning up the mess!
At the moment Discourse is doing lots of work processing the old posts, so sorry if stuff is a tad slow for a few hours.
This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.
This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.
Where did the cricket thread go?
Where did it use to be??
Found it!
I got deleted during a clean up. I’ve restored it here:
Thank you!
Edit: Though I can’t see it from the homepage.
It should appear on the homepage after a new comment is made in it.
Also it will appear in search and you can bookmark it to find it quickly.
If it doesn’t start appearing where it should I’ll double check that it’s been properly assigned a category.
I’m not sure I can cope with things I remember clearly being part of Ye Olden Days, but I guess I’m just old (like the website).