Spring Schedule 23/24 Draft I

Outta-nowhere random film suggestion - FACE/OFF. Dunno, could be cool to have a proper action blockbuster sorta thing up there in programmings


Sorry another random suggestion - saw something abt a film called The Sweet East? I know nothing except it’s new, maybe it comes out in time and it has Ayo Edebiri in it (bestie, also in bottoms) so ye. Also Jacob Elordi if anybody cares (new elvis boi)


Yoooooo any news on a schedule update? Just getting a bit wary that there’s not gonna be time for people to redraft it if you wanna get this finalised by the exec at the end of the week(?)


Yo I’ve just checked the document and there seems to be two other schedules at the bottom now? I’m really confused as to which one I’m supposed to be looking at now

Just found the Super Secret Hidden Schedules –

Few thoughts:

  • Why is Allnighter so early in term now and Pub Quiz so late ( they should go back to the weeks they were initially surely?)
  • I’d sort of back Rafiki over one of Carol or Moonlight (those two being I suppose oscary-prestige type films), Rafiki definitely covers some more unique representation even if it wouldn’t necessarily do as well as Moonlight could
  • Don’t understand Scott Pilgrim double, I guess we have been doing Edgar Wright films the past couple of terms but not convinced it would do amazing (although it being a print is good so I guess I’m on the fence)
  • Anatomy of a Fall is not really a double vibe, quite long and nothing about it gives off Friday at 21.30 for a French legal drama prominently featuring a dog (Mean Girls Musical could be a double, maybe even Ferrari)

Fwiw, this is what the You Have To Laugh Or You’d Cry quote on the wall is about – obviously I am old and full of tales of woe, but selling 7 tickets to an AllNighter is SUCH a depressing experience that you don’t rush to repeat it in a hurry.

Was gonna say I’d back Rafiki over Moonlight, again. As well as the fact that it can’t just be me bored of it, it’s probs starting to look a bit “wheel out Moonlight bc it’s LGBT time”, no?

Gonna add to this that Alice Walker as the author of The Colour Purple makes me uncomfortable as she’s imo (not necessarily the opinion of WSC or its members, etc etc) a bit of a Proper Wrongun (or, at least, has expressed a number of fairly uncontroversially Bad things/full-on has a section on her Wikipedia page entitled “Accusations of antisemitism and praise for David Icke” and I think trying to dismiss it as just criticism of just pro-Palestinian activism does everybody a disservice). I reckon we should be probably be having a look at how we approach it, especially with the timing wrt current affairs rn?

Mean Girls Musical not being a double seems properly bonkers to me but yes to both. Still going to advocate for Vengeance trilogy as a sensible thing we could do or any other sort of mini-event, towards the start of term. You could have a nice earlier-in-term counterweight week 3-5 sometime to balance to AN in week 7 and IWD in week 9.

ALSO gonna again reiterate that I think The Iron Claw is a very poor shout. I know we have a small handful of people who back it but I’m quite wary of the fact that that audience is already not lacking for films that interest them on the schedule so we can’t reaeeaalllly back it “for balance” like we would other films we know are going to get <10 people.


Should probably clarify this but the schedule underneath the main one is just used to try stuff out without making major changes so the All-nighter hasn’t actually been moved. We were just seeing if it would make it easier to give new releases (like Mean girls and Ferrari) doubles if it was moved.

I definitely agree. Rafiki is with a distributor we haven’t used before so we are waiting on a response from them before adding it to the schedule.

Ferrari was brought up in the programming meeting and some people seemed very against it. Also, the current placement of the open doubles makes it really awkward to try to give Mean Girls and Ferrari doubles since the open double slots are early in term and we can only play them from week 6 onwards – which was the initial motivation for testing if we could move the all-nighter.

Can try to figure out a way to do that but just wanted to clarify that we’re not anti-mean girls and Ferrari having doubles just figuring out how to make it happen is a bit difficult. Are there any Week 6 onwards doubles that people would want to replace with Mean Girls?

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Cool, thanks for clarifying those decisions – I mean in light of Kieran’s point, Colour Purple seems like the most obvious choice to be replaced by Mean Girls


Mostly here to echo what’s been said above but with a few additions.

Yes id agree with this. I think atm Moonlight is serving the purpose of it being a recognisable one to draw people in but I’d argue that Carol now fills this role well and we haven’t played it in recent memory like Moonlight. Also, makes space for Rafiki as others said, which covers some bases rep wise.

Another thought on LGBT History Month Slot 2, its right next to Valentines day so id advocate for it being one of the more cheery romance ones instead to kinda fit that vibe, esp with About Time on the other side of it too. I think this would work well.

!!! Yeah I suppose both will be apt out of the new releases in terms of ‘double-able’, despite my aversion to yet another film where Driver pretends to be Italian and shouts at his wife a lot.

So from what I can see Priscilla could be bumped up a week anyway if needed. Ik you’re worried abt prints so im assuming that’s why it’s in week 6 but I also think reading week-ing it might not be the move. (I haven’t thought too deeply about this though so pls take with a pinch of salt). Also, some people are saying Marvels is acc good question mark? so maybe it could be back on the cards for a double if other ppl think so (am yet to see it so I don’t fully know myself as Woman and as Marvel Fan)

Does this mean earlier in term is a better idea? Im guessing bc beefier deadlines are concentrated at the end of term (solely from my experience), so maybe a little earlier might help if that’s what we’re concerned about.

Personally, backing the Shiva Baby IWD list over lady bird, but obvs comes down to availability. Having said that, if shiva baby isnt available, id maybe ask us to reconsider Lady Bird anyway? This thought is underdeveloped tho so no replacement ideas as of yet.

More thoughts to be had soon… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Also!! backing another mini event a la vengeance trilogy as Kieran suggested! might help us fill some gaps here and there and keep some events spread across term a little better!

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Nah, that AllNighter was end of week 3 and I reckon the reason it rather spectacularly didn’t work is a reason that it Fundamentally Doesn’t Work in that you need time to promote it and for people to make plans to go with friends. We’ve been drip-selling Shrek tickets all term and that doesn’t happen so much if you plonk it at the start of term.


ahhh okay I get you!!

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Also back Shiva Baby if possible - I think Vengeance trilogy would be a cool mini event and worth the risk - plus it reads less like we’ve just put Oldboy on for the sake of it (which is another reason I’m apprehensive about Scott Pilgrim and Whiplash, they give off the vibe we haven’t put much thought into programming)


maybe the w5 Friday/ Saturday could be the move for this then?

Looking at doubles for new releases, could May December take the slot in a Past Lives-esque popular indie film manner?


Question re The Sweet East - is it out in time? Do ppl think it’s worth having? I mentioned it above but she’s not on the doc, dunno if that’s cos she’s not available or something :)))

I couldn’t find a uk release date for it.

Yeah, could swap with Anatomy of a fall

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Any reason why no Stop Making Sense? Feel like it’s a much stronger pick than Iron Claw for instance

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We’ve made some changes.

  • Stop Making Sense and Incendies have been added as they were suggested and discussed in the programming meeting.

  • We moved The Marvels to a double. Alternatively, Napolean could be a double so let us know if you’d prefer that.

  • We’ve put Mean Girls on the double in place of Priscilla as it seems like everyone wants Mean Girls on the double. At the moment we won’t be having the Priscilla print, but this could change later down the line. Therefore, by switching Mean Girls and Priscilla there could be too many prints in W7?

Also forgot to mention but we heard back on Rafiki today so that has replaced Moonlight, as has been suggested.