Here are a few ideas and thoughts that may (or may not!) want to be used, though i’d appreciate it if they were considered in the finallising of the spring schedule:
Have a Bourne Trilogy with Identity on a Wednesday, Supremacy on the Thursday and culminate in the double screening of Ultimatum.
I would seriously consider moving Run Fatboy Run to a double, as students are a pretty good audience for this sort of film (remembering the recent Hot Fuzz sell-out!).
Some big films coming out soon aren’t on there either, though I appreciate that these will otherwise go onto the summer schedule, eg Dan in Real Life, I am Legend, Enchanted and I’m Not There; though it would be awesome if one or two of them could go on the AllNighter (with Ratatouille?!) before having their own slots in the summer.
I don’t think that Clerks warrants a double showing: we showed Clerks II on a double showing last term and it majorly flopped. Similarly, I personally would put Elizabeth: The Golden Age as a single and move things round so that we could have a Grindhouse double of Plannet Terror and Death Proof.
Unless a film and format are going to be picked in advance, and UBS decide that the night is something they want to be involved in, i’d drop the sponsored event. It’s just that as it stands, it isn’t sponsored and it isn’t that big of a gain for us - the ratio of members to non-members for Reservoir Dogs was exactly the same as you’d expect from a normal showing though the night is comfortably more expensive than an AllNighter even before ticket sales for an AllNighter are taken into account!
Yeah, I think I would agree with most of Rob’s points, just a couple of things to add …
The Clerks point is important. The only old film thats ever been able to hold its own on a double is Pulp Fiction. When we showed Clerks 2 last year, when it was a new release, it showed to 53 people across two showings. Added to that, Clerks was released in 1994 - this years intake would have been five when it was released …
I wouldn’t drop Elizabeth, but thats a personal preference. Double screening events are a bit different to the norm, which is something that we do which no one else does - a bonus for us. We should think about this, at least.
The Sponsored Event. I think this is important - its a lot of money if we’re not being told to do it. At the AllNighter, the only prizes we had were DVD box sets, and some five film passes, which are ok prizes, but in previous terms we have had big draw type prizes - iPod’s, gift vouchers etc. For less than a third of the cost of a Sponsored Event, we could get some truly awesome prizes, which attract people to an AllNighter, which is a great event for us, and actually can make us money …
I am Legend would be a great AllNighter headliner … and I hope Ratatouille will be either AllNightering, or put on the main schedule.
Not sure St Trinian’s should be a double … I know its one of the ‘big films’, but the subject matter just seems a little young for our audience …
5 & 1. I agree wth Rachel & Rob that Clerks won’t do a double show justice, although the fact that it was released in 1994 could be slightly in its favour - one of the reasons we attribute to the popularity of pulp fiction & reservoir dogs is that current freshers were too young to see them when they came out and so this is their first chance to see them on the big screen.
6 & 3. I also agree that the sponsored event is very expensive if we don’t need to do it. The only point I would make is that in years gone by we have struggled to attract the attention of students later in the term when audiences start to decline and to some extent the free showing helped us there. Perhaps we should scrap the sponsored screening provisionally, and see if we can get a preview midway through the term so that we have a ‘freebie’ to attract attention…
I guess its true that the new intake won’t have seen Clerks - the question is whether they will want to!! Before Clerks 2 last year, I hadn’t even heard of the whole Clerks thing, so my concern is that unlike say, Pulp Fiction which everyone has heard of, Clerks simply won’t have that appeal. I’m just not convinced people will say ‘wow, thats a classic film, lets see it on the big screen’- just going by the bombing of Clerks 2, anyway.
A preview may be the way forward - its a much cheaper way to give a freebie, and to attract people, anyway! If we run an awesome AllNighter with good prizes, a Bourne Trilogy and a Grindhouse double, we’ll probably find we have enough ‘special events’ etc to keep interest high …
[quote=“Roberto”]Here are a few ideas and thoughts that may (or may not!) want to be used, though i’d appreciate it if they were considered in the finallising of the spring schedule:
If you need an additional replacement film, then perhaps Shoot 'Em Up is worth considering. It was released at a time when a lot of the other big summer films were released so dissapeared rather quickly, but seems to be generally well regarded.
I saw Shoot 'Em Up over the summer and I think it was one of the most enjoyable films I’ve seen this year. I think it was planned for the AllNighter but, if it doesn’t get shown then, I definitely agree it should be on the schedule.
-On the schedule I presented at the EPM I had grindhouse on a friday but on the comments made changed it as the running order was too long and there are no copies around with the trailers so wouldnt be as good
Elizabeth is on the double Friday in conjugation with OWW as it is UK day on that day so muchos promotion for us
The obvious films that I have missed out such as bee movie,etc are on the allnighter