Summer 2012 Weeks 3-6 vote

Time for the first of the semi-final polls. Vote for your favourite film from the first half of term (weeks 3 to 6 with the reduced schedule).

The two best films will go into a final vote. Tied votes will be decided by the film that got the highest percentage vote in the earlier rounds and then by number of votes if still tied.

The Week 7 to 10 poll will start once the week 10 poll finishes. The final poll of the term will be a week after that followed by one for the entire year.

The winners of weeks 3 to 6 were:
Margin Call 45% (5 votes)
The Artist 64% (7 votes)
The Woman in Black 33% (3 votes)
The Muppets 64% (7 votes)

The Artist by quite a margin.

I saw none of these films, largely due to exams :frowning: