Summer 2020 Schedule - Updated


Here is our updated schedule for the Summer Term. Just a few things to explain:

  1. Colour scheme
  • Green - this film was on the old schedule and has been booked in for that date
  • Yellow - this was on the old schedule, and should still be able to be booked
  • Red - this was on the old schedule, however will likely be delayed/cancelled
  • Blue - new additions to the schedule

It’s worth saying a few of the new additions to the schedule may still be delayed or cancelled (Antebellum etc.)

  1. Suggestions
    Thank you for all of the suggestions made on slack, we will use these for future schedules.

  2. Cutting down shows?
    Given there is a lot of uncertainty about next term, we would like any opinions on whether the amount of films being shown should be cut down. It’s likely there will be much fewer people on campus next term, and the situation with exams isn’t clear as of yet. Given this, it may be worth changing the format of the schedule so that either films are more spread out over the term (rather than having 4 normal weeks then 4 of only a single showing) or cutting down.

Anyways, I hope you like the schedule. Please leave any comments you might have.
2020 Summer Schedule - Coronavirus.xlsx (25.9 KB)

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Also should mention that Lego Movie and Tangled would still be free. Greed would still be free for members

Amazing job :heart_eyes: I’m assuming nobody’s says anything because it’s looking more and more likely that we’re not gonna be needing this doesn’t it, but just wanted to say it’s great!