Summer Term 2014-15

@CptKirky @emmasmith @acw180
Hi y’all. Here’s the almost complete schedule for next term. Selma and Big Hero 6 have been swapped and Princess Kaguya will be moved to a later date (will confirm asap). Fox and Disney haven’t confirmed their films yet so bear with. Any q’s you have ask here

Why isn’t Big Hero 6 a double? Isn’t it like suuuupppeeer popular? :stuck_out_tongue:

It Follows should be on a friday midnight. That films got rave reviews, also @reecegoodall will beat you up if you don’t :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, I’m not sure either Ex Machina or Chappie warrant doubles, Ex Machina because it’s a bit of a niche film I don’t see many coming to, and Chappie I think will have been pretty hit by negative word-of-mouth by the time it rolls around.

Mayhaps put It Follows on midnight Friday week 3, Ex Machina in its slot and swap Chappie and Big Hero 6 around?

The time that this should have been said was at the programming meeting earlier this term. Most of these films have already been booked.

Boo. Hoo.

… If I’d known about the programming meeting this term, I’d’ve said as much. Ah well.