The Red Dwarf Thread

They’re making two more episodes of Red Dwarf! :slight_smile:

On the down side though it sounds like they’re wrapping up the franchise which I guess means they’ve given up all hope of making a film.

It’s kind of upsetting to see Lister reffered to as ‘Coronation Street’s Craig Charles’.

We all know he was Red Dwarf’s Craig Charles first - RD made him.

I’m not sure that creating a proper end to the series rules out a film - the end of series 8 strongly implied that it was the end (although I suppose the end of series 6 also did the same, and let’s face it the pilot episode was called ‘The End’) but these new episodes are presumably continuing from series 8.

I never fully expected the film (if it ever made it into production) to to be the canonical sequel to the series’, not least because series’ 7 and 8 ‘broke’ the main format of the show, but also because these things are nearly always tweaked when adapted into a film. So I’m not convinced that these episodes make much difference to the likelihood of a film being made. It is promising that they are making something though - it has sold well on DVD so it may see a revival like that of Futurama.

Did anyone watch the Red Dwarf specials? If so, what did you think?

I have to confess that I found them disappointing (and I had fairly low expectations). I thought they made series 7 and 8 seem good!!!

Still have part 3 to watch, but the humour seems forced and the show too self-referential.
I don’t know that it makes seasons 7 and 8 look good - as I’ve only seen it up to series 5.

I didn’t watch them because I wasn’t expecting good things.

I don’t know that it makes seasons 7 and 8 look good - as I’ve only seen it up to series 5.[/quote]

In that case, stop at the end of six. If you really must, then watch seven, but 8 is just pants :frowning:


I don’t know that it makes seasons 7 and 8 look good - as I’ve only seen it up to series 5.[/quote]

In that case, stop at the end of six. If you really must, then watch seven, but 8 is just pants :-([/quote]

Can I borrow it please? :oops:

I’ve got a copy which you can borrow if you want.

Season 6 is awsome! 8)

I thought some of the jokes in it were quite well done - not too sure about the epic amount of bladerunner references - i’d say its worth watching but don’t have too high hopes for it

Its a bit funny watching all the new cgi - they obviously have a bit more of a budget with dave :stuck_out_tongue: