
We’ve reached 3000 forum posts!



Plus nice Avatar Aiden, don’t tell rob where you found it!

Wow :!: Now Aiden’s got a cool Avatar too :!:

The Prez’s avatar should not be cool.
The Prez is way too cool - he should compensate by having a still avatar.

The Mac has a still avatar, thus the prez shall be content with a still avatar…

…and our avatars need not change daily… unlike some :-p

Scroll up the page… the chicks turn quite quickly until you get up to Stewie, at which point they do their baywatch style search much slower!

I guess you could argue that they have still avatars, but don’t like them so change them many times a second!


Stop bullying me! This is the first avatar I’ve had!

Sorry Helen… i didn’t realise that you’d not had one before… it is a rather cool avatar though :slight_smile:

Thankyou :smiley: I like it muchly!

The race to the 4000th post is underway. Who will claim the honour? And for the record, does anyone remember who made the 1000th and 2000th posts?

I think Richard Winskill made one of them because I remember he counted down to it.

That was probably the 1000th post then.

The 2000th post was by George, if this thread is anything to go by.

And according to Jeffrey’s post on the second page of this thread, i was the 1000th poster :smiley:

That seems conclusive.