WSC Trailer: Spring 2011/2012

First draft of the trailer for next term - let me know what you think!

Looks good. :slight_smile:

My only thought is how sure are we that we’re going to get Titanic next term (it’s quite prominent in the trailer)? Someone raised the other day that with the 3D rerelease in April they may pull the prints from distribution.

I think we were hoping for 2D digital version?

Studios often stop distributing old prints if the film is about to be re-released or if a sequel is coming out. (I was suggesting filmsoc should go 3D by next term… :stuck_out_tongue: )

“Wasn’t”, surely?! :shock


Bah, going to be such a hassle to remove the Titanic scenes :frowning: ALL THE OTHER TRAILERS ARE SHIT.

Can’t tell you how MUCH I :heart: it.

You’re not goin to claim that the titanic trailer is good, are you?!

It’s good in that it has a lot of easily-recognised action-y shots that last more than a second which are useful for making a trailer compilation with :stuck_out_tongue:

I second Natalie!!

Finally got around to re-editing the trailer. So here it is - Spring Term 2012, Sans-Titanic!

Great trailer :slight_smile: Nice work, Scott!